
Monday, May 13, 2013

We Have A New Rider In the Family

A bike rider that is! This weekend we finally spent enough time for the Boss to learn to ride his bike without any assistance or training wheels. I know some of you are thinking boy he is old to just be learning to do that but you would be wrong. Once I got pregnant with Lady Bug all bike riding ceased and his poor little bike sat unused in the garage. This past year we took the training wheels off and tried it out. He was doing alright but hadn't quite got the hang of it when his Dad went into the hospital. Once again bike riding was less of a priority. Fast forward to the last weekend in April his fellow Cub Scouts wanted to go on a Den bike ride. His Dad and I were a bit bummed that he would not be able to because we hadn't taught him how to do it yet.
So this past weekend his Dad took him out for a ride after much prompting from me that he should take his bike and not his scooter. With some tough love from Dad to not give up he nailed it. He is now riding like a champ and wants to ride constantly.
So I am proud of The Boss my new bike rider.
Now we just have to go get him a new bike since his wheel base is about 4inches too short for his height.

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