Picture of the two of us early in the morning on landing day.
Here is our view of the big screen.
The boss in front of the big screen.
It was a shuttle packed day. Earlier in the week I booked us the final ride in the Shuttle's Motion Based Simulator. This is the simulator that astronauts use to practice launch and landing of the shuttle. It simulates the movement of being there. It is an awesome experience. I have been in the motion base simulator many times to check the stowage of all the Flight Data File but had never taken a ride. I couldn't wait to share the experience with my boys. The Boss decided he wanted to fly first. He was our Commander for launch and first landing.
Once the simulator tilted back to get ready for liftoff the Boss got a little nervous. He quickly got over it and enjoyed looking out the window and checking himself out in the mirror. His favorite part had to be talking on the headset. He even did a little singing and chanting while I landed.
Next up was Daddy. He did a great job landing the shuttle. In another life he could be a pilot. He landed at night and in a thunderstorm.
I went next. Lets just say the first attempt was a little bumpy but our pilot "Snack" told me I was overcompensating and I cleaned up my flying real quick for a super smooth ride on the second. I should have been the best flyer since I had actually gotten a chance to take a ride earlier in the week as well with some friends and coworkers. Here is a pic of me from earlier in the week. Our 4th passenger was a great pilot as well. She did such a good job that the Boss fell asleep in his seat.
It was an amazing time. We all really enjoyed it. The fact that the shuttle program was coming to an end and the final shuttle had landed that morning made it all that more special. Something we will never forget.
We were in good company in flying the simulator. Here is a quick shot of some of the famous people that have also flown. Double click on the picture to make it larger.
Thank you to Belinda & David "Snack" for flying with us.
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